Suzanne has served multiple terms as Trustee for Maple Park. She recognizes the challenges and wants to collaborate on the solutions to improve our community’s situation. Suzanne appreciates and cares for our Village. She will use her skills and talent to help us evolve. Suzanne Fahnestock is the right choice for Village President. Please join me and give her your vote! — Kathy Curtis
As the County Board Representative for District 18 which includes Maple Park I am happy to endorse Suzanne Fahnstock for Mayor. Susanne attended the CAAC Committee meetings that distributed Covid relief funds to The Village, local businesses, and the fire district. She followed up with me on the business applicants she had helped fill out the various forms. I am confident she will bring this commitment to the position of Mayor and continue to advocate for Maple Park. Drew Frasz — Drew Frasz
Suzanne's clear vision for Maple Park is testament of the leadership she will provide. — Chris Rebone
Suzanne Fahnestock is a true leader. — Roger Fahnestock